"Super Junior's Leeteuk angers some radio listeners"

I just had to make a blog post about this article on Allkpop.


I admit I was disappointed in Leeteuk when I read this article. But I felt very mad when I started reading the comments. Most of them were about how Leeteuk was pathetic and how he should have known his boundaries on saying something like this on a live radio broadcast. That is true. He should have had known to control his mouth. But how in the world did he turn into a "pathetic person?"

I am an ELF. But that didn't have to do with anything when I furiously typed my comment about the other people's comments. I can't believe how people can be this low. One mistake and anti-ELFs come storming in, huh. Most people said something like "He's 28 years old and Super Junior's leader! How can he be like this?! How rude!"

Idiots. That pissed me off. These people have got to be kidding me. Everyone makes mistakes, and people make them no matter what age or the kind of person they are, and in this case, a LEADER. How come almost everyone has the impression that celebrities are perfect in whatever they do? Are they forgetting yet again that celebrities are humans? Humans are prone to mistakes, people need to get that in their minds.

People are also bashing on him because Leeteuk once said that he didn't like fat girls. I only have one thing to say about that. It's his preference. Everyone has different preferences on what they like and what they don't like. Do people really expect all celebrities have to say "I love fat girls"? They're saying Leeteuk is prejudiced. But what about themselves? Who's the one saying that he's pathetic as a person when he made one bad mistake?

I read a comment about how ELFs are acting hypocritical, supporting their oppas now while with SNSD, did exactly the same thing, bashing them with hate comments. Are they forgetting that Sones bash ELFs too, and support their unnies whenever THEY did something obviously wrong? So what exactly is your point?

I am saying this not as an ELF, but as a pissed off netizen. Leeteuk is not a bad guy. He's had his slip up. Unless you people have some kind of way to reverse time, there's nothing else he can do except apologize to everyone and especially Suzy, whether he meant it as a joke or not. What else do you want him to do? What else CAN he do? I am not bashing Leeteuk. Nor am I saying that he did nothing wrong "because I am an ELF." He did do something very wrong. But the past is the past; you can't deny this. Ranting about how "pathetic" Leeteuk was is not going to do anything to the future unless you're an anti who wants to ruin his reputation (well of course you want that, don't you antis?) This isn't me being biased, it's me trying to get some freaking common sense into some narrow-minded netizens.


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This was a blog I wrote on from 2010-2016. Keeping it for posterity. Hi, I'm an 18-year-old human, happened to be named Karen, who thinks a day of YouTube watching, gaming, forum reading, and blog writing is a day well spent. I use this thing to talk about stuff.