Not Number 1 Anymore?!

Almost all of my friends know that I'm a Donghae lover.. 

I'm having second thoughts now. 

But not in a bad way...

Donghae was like, the first guy I noticed in Super Junior from the Bonamana MV, 'cause I thought he looked like a younger version of Kamikawa Takaya from Hana Kimi for some reason (I was going through a Japanese drama phase then).. And oh. my. god. He had hot arm muscles 8)

(And don't think I was crazy thinking that I thought he looked like Kamikawa Takaya.. even my friend who watched Hana Kimi thought he looked like him)

After probably close to 8 months or something of obsessin' over this huge ass boy-band.. I think Donghae's kinda sliding off my OMG list. Instead, guess who's taking his place? Actually it's 4 people; Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Sungmin, & the pretty boy Heechul.

Leeteuk, because he has this "big brother" vibe that I like a lot. And he's pretty hot for someone who's close to 30 years of age. :D I also remember seeing this YT vid with these Leeteuk vs. Eunhyuk clips and saw Leeteuk getting all beaten up by Eunhyuk LOL. I felt so sorry for Leeteukie ): ♥

Okaay, I admit I used to think Eunhyuk was ugly (kill me now D:) but me realized he's a cool & awesome dancer maan! And his gummy smile.. I lub it~

Donghae's at the left.. Sungmin at the right ♥

I don't have a reason for Sungmin, quite frankly. I used to be neutral about him but now I think he's so freakin' cute.. Especially when a few days ago.. when I saw this other YT vid with Shindong and Eunhyuk talking about how Sungminnie's behavior differs between girls and guys ^^

Aaand.. HEECHUL! Pretty boy Heechullie.. His randomness got me. :D That's all I've got to say :)
So Donghae's kinda slidin' off. Maybe because of the rumors that he dated Jessica from SNSD while they were still trainees and me seeing a couple of those Haesica videos.. I'm kinda believing that they really did date. And the Sunhae couple toooo.. I don't know why these are making me like him less but I'm weird like that. So shaddup. :) 

He'd probably still be like.. Number 5 :D Just not number 1 no more.. 4 spots are now taken by those 4 guys up there ♥ Woo hoo!


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This was a blog I wrote on from 2010-2016. Keeping it for posterity. Hi, I'm an 18-year-old human, happened to be named Karen, who thinks a day of YouTube watching, gaming, forum reading, and blog writing is a day well spent. I use this thing to talk about stuff.