'I hope one day...'

I came across this post made by tristamateer on Tumblr:
I hope one day 
somebody loves you
so much 
that they see violets
in the bags under your eyes,
sunsets in the downward arch
of your lips 
that they recognize you
as something green,
something fresh and still growing
even if sometimes
you are growing sideways
that they do not waste their time
trying to fix you.
It's very simply worded, but it's also beautifully written.

Basically, don't fix yourself for other people, don't fix other people for yourself. I'll remember this one.


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This was a blog I wrote on from 2010-2016. Keeping it for posterity. Hi, I'm an 18-year-old human, happened to be named Karen, who thinks a day of YouTube watching, gaming, forum reading, and blog writing is a day well spent. I use this thing to talk about stuff.