An Artistic Approach

Thanks Annette wahahaha
(my favorite frickin' fanfiction of all time)
I got a neat lil' blank notebook (no lines) from a friend on Sunday as a Christmas present, and I was scratching my head trying to think of a use for this thing. I was thinking about using it as a daily journal, but I'm pretty sure everyone knows that keeping a journal almost never works out.

So I googled (Google is the answer to everything now, apparently) for some ideas, and suggestions like "stories" and "drawings" and "thoughts" popped up... so I decided to combine all of that together!!

It will be somewhat difficult (for me I guess??) but I figured that this notebook will be an art notebook of anything I come across, could be just about a thought, about a weird dream that I had, about something I liked, about something I fangirled over, or even about a snippet my day if I wanted... but there must be drawings/doodles in every entry that accompany what I write. Ok, I'm not the best at drawing, but I can safely say that my skills have developed pretty nicely over the years of constantly being the poor pack mule who does almost everything in group projects...

the Paper app by 53
There is also another reason why I convinced myself to use this as an art notebook... the iPad Paper app by 53. When I first discovered it while playing with the iPad mini one day, I thought I found God or something. There were drawings of various artists featured in the app demo, compiled into many different "notebooks," and the pretty drawings and doodles in the notebooks really made me.. happy? I dunno, but it made me really happy. Sounds out of the blue, but I wished that one day I could draw like the artists featured in the app. But then I went home, and I started to feel not very motivated because all I really had at home were 8.5 x 11'' pieces of boring, not-suited-for-drawing printer paper... and then I went "oh, who am I even kidding" and eventually dropped the idea of developing any kind of artistic skill.

But now since I have a blank notebook.. why not? It's not exactly the Paper app, but it'll do just the same, right? (Besides, I don't have a stylus to draw with, even if I had an iPad mini)

I've done 2 entries today.. looks pretty bland, to be honest. But I think if I keep doing this it'll become something I'll really treasure when I become old and wrinkly. Then I'll show my grandkids and say, "This is what your grandma was up to when she was still full of life and when her skin was still full of collagen fibers."


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This was a blog I wrote on from 2010-2016. Keeping it for posterity. Hi, I'm an 18-year-old human, happened to be named Karen, who thinks a day of YouTube watching, gaming, forum reading, and blog writing is a day well spent. I use this thing to talk about stuff.