My cousins took me to Café Maji last Friday... I really liked the place. They sell waffles, coffee, and sandwiches, and their decorations are really, really adorable. There are little random, cute trinkets all over the shelves (I recognized the shelves from IKEA... hehe). It's your typical Korean-styled café shop (literally, it looked like it came out of a Korean drama), with K-Indie/Jazz playing in the background... oh God, it was so nice. But I didn't take pictures of the place 'cause I thought it would be kinda strange, LOL.

Anyway, I got a "Mochachino" and strawberry and blueberry waffles. The waffles were really good. ^v^ The mochachino thing came with a cream puff. Yeah, it's that pathetic-looking lump sitting in that pink cup over at the right, but it was pretty good.

While I was eating my waffles, I was thinking about those cliché K-drama scenes where the character is sitting in a café alone, drinking some warm coffee while it's raining gently outside... (Off topic, but ever heard the song "Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop" by Landon Pigg? Man, that song is so mellow. Good coffee shop music.)
I might be taking this on a too abstract level, but why do coffeeshops give off a really cozy feeling?... Maybe it's just me, but it's almost like a second home...
Just imagine sitting snugly in your seat, wrapping both your palms around your comfortably warm mug, occasionally sipping your coffee (or cocoa) while absently gazing around the room, hearing the grinding noises of the coffee maker, the soft clinking of utensils, the low murmuring of voices in the background... there's a very surreal feeling that comes out of that. Keeping your mind blank, it's just you and your coffee, a warm friend.
But when you finish your mug, you kinda just sit there awkwardly... until reality starts trickling back into your senses and you realize you eventually have to leave the coffeeshop...
All good things have to come to an end, don't they? :(
(By the way, the special at the café that day was something with "Red Beans" in the name, and Hongbin immediately came across my mind... for those who don't know, his twitter is @RedBeans93 OTL...)
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