
Now that homecoming is near, I'd thought I might talk about dances today, since I don't have anything else to talk about and since this blog is getting dusty again.

I admit, the only dance I've ever been to was the promotion dance in 8th grade, but let me tell you, I hated it. My dress was horrible (I bought it last minute.... I procrastinated heeeehee), my high heels annoyed the crap out of me, and the bobby pins in my hair kept falling off. Basically, I felt really ugly. And my God, don't even get me started on those photos my friends took of me at the promotion dance. I WANT TO FORGET IT ALL. ERASE ALL THE DAMN PHOTOS. PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPENED.

I have learned my lesson from that damn promotion dance... Don't procrastinate on this stuff. I'm gonna start looking for a dress for senior prom this darn summer, because I do NOT want a situation at the 8th grade promotion dance to happen to me again.

Let's pretend that this was my dress for the promotion
dance, shall we? Yeah. Pretending is good.
Anyway. I don't necessarily dislike dances, though. They can be fun if you go in feeling confident about yourself and looking forward to have fun. (You just seriously cannot have fun when you constantly think your dress is ugly... -_-)

Now, to the main thing I wanted to talk about this subject... Let me put this disclaimer here first that I have never been asked to anything in my life by the opposite sex (no it's okay you don't have to console me I'm okay yes I'm serious), so you don't have to agree with me on this but...

Whenever I see those cute-aww-omg videos of people asking another person to dances, I can't help wondering.... what if the person being asked doesn't want to go with the asker?... What if the person being asked didn't even plan on going to the dance in the first place?...

One word: awkward.

But you know what's even more awkward? When the guy gives the girl this piece of paper that says YES? OR YES?


Um, yeah.

Although publicly asking your potential date out is really cute, I honestly wouldn't really like it if it had happened to me. I don't think people realize that publicly asking someone else is putting that person in unwanted spotlight (I guess this depends on the person, though). The person asking is, maybe unknowingly, "forcing" the other to say yes in a way, because who would want to reject a person in front of that many people? It would be embarrassing for the person asking; it would be equally embarrassing for the person rejecting.

This goes the same to proposing to someone in public. You don't have to propose in the middle of a busy restaurant in front of tons of people to make the proposal special. What if the person says "no, I'm not ready"?? Then what happens?? The whole crowd goes "omg," that's what happens, and the person leaves the restaurant with a very bright red face.

Which goes back to the awkwardness of having a piece of paper handed to you saying YES OR YES.

Heck, do whatever you want to ask someone, but...

Pls explain to me what this means
YES OR YES?... Sure, it's cute, but what is it supposed to mean? Are you so confident that the other person will say yes that you give them no other option? (I admit I'm laughing so hard at this sorry)

I know it sounds really mean... but I don't take it back. Maybe it's an unpopular opinion.

I think being asked privately is sweeter for both people. Yeah, you might not have photos of a big, huge-ass banner that has some cheesy line on it and a huge-ass bouquet of flowers or something to post on Facebook or Instagram (#gotasked #lol #soexcited), but I think the emotions from being asked privately are more intimate.

Or maybe I'm just old-fashioned. Go figure.

People who ask others out publicly are not inconsiderate humans, though; that's not what I'm saying. So go forget about this post and ask all the people in the world in however way you want. Be happy, be cheery, and have fun at homecoming.


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This was a blog I wrote on from 2010-2016. Keeping it for posterity. Hi, I'm an 18-year-old human, happened to be named Karen, who thinks a day of YouTube watching, gaming, forum reading, and blog writing is a day well spent. I use this thing to talk about stuff.