M.I.A... Almost

Um, happy new year? :-)

Shhh, I know what you're thinking... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, KAREN? OUT PARTYING? GETTING TURNT? Well, fortunately (or unfortunately, whatever you feel), I haven't been doing any of those things. I want to say that I've been busy, but the more I think about it, the falser that statement becomes.

In my defense, I do have quite a few blog post topics up in my sleeve. (For starters, I still need to finish Part 3 of my "Life is Strange" post series, ha.) My heart just hasn't felt at ease enough for me to sit my fat butt down and spend a whole day writing. Indeed, usually one blog post takes me about a day or two to write. Sometimes it might take longer, depending on the subject matter. The process is a bit draining, actually. But it's rewarding, which is probably why I'm still here. Probably.

At any rate, I figured I should toss this post in here first to get rid of the metaphorical cobwebs and tumbleweeds that accumulated on this blog. I haven't abandoned ship, if that's what you were thinking.

I'll be posting again... soon.


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About the Blogger

This was a blog I wrote on from 2010-2016. Keeping it for posterity. Hi, I'm an 18-year-old human, happened to be named Karen, who thinks a day of YouTube watching, gaming, forum reading, and blog writing is a day well spent. I use this thing to talk about stuff.