Remembering People Stuck in Their Past Selves

One time, I was tutoring at the elementary school where I had volunteered, and the usual second graders came up to me to ask for help on their homework. Their homework involved asking around classmates for their favorite lullabies, so I told them to list the classmates they wanted to ask first before we did anything.

While I watched them list out their classmates, I started thinking about my old classmates back in elementary school. I haven't seen some of them since elementary school, so all I have in my memory of them is their elementary school selves. I find it quite amusing. It's like their elementary school selves will always be kept in a time capsule in my mind... They're always going to be elementary school kids in my head forever, wearing the same white collared or light blue collared T-shirt, and the same dark navy blue uniform pants. I guess I could find them on Facebook or something, but it's not like I "miss" them that much to search them up, LOL.

Though, there were some of my friends whom I actually interacted with on a daily basis who didn't go to the same middle school or high school as I did. The memories with them that stick out to me are pretty much freeze tag and basketball (I played those two a lot, along with House. :P)... I still remember their faces from those moments, as if their faces are frozen since that moment in time, even after all these years. I sometimes wonder how they are. There's always the possibility that they've become hot-damn gorgeous people who had puberty on their side, or that they don't look too much different, just with longer hair, shorter hair, or with slimmer cheeks, fatter cheeks, with or without acne... But of course, besides having different physical qualities, they've become people with their own lives, whether or not they are presidents of six different organizations, or could care less and are avid ravers, or are both---who knows?

Interesting food for thought.

Saying that, though, only means likewise for me in the eyes of others. I'm probably stuck in my elementary school self for those who haven't seen me since then... God, that's unfortunate. I was a bucktoothed potato who got a little too much sun back then. Man, I need a second chance. -sigh-


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This was a blog I wrote on from 2010-2016. Keeping it for posterity. Hi, I'm an 18-year-old human, happened to be named Karen, who thinks a day of YouTube watching, gaming, forum reading, and blog writing is a day well spent. I use this thing to talk about stuff.