May this year be better than last...
Happy 2015! I feel so relieved that 2014 is over now. 2014 was definitely cursed... Yesterday, on the news, there was a report on how there were really gusty winds that sorta picked up entire tents at the Rose Bowl and circled them around in the air, and I was like, well shit, 2014 is a really moody mother-effer, even to the last day...
Damn it, I knew 2014 was gonna be a bad year... I mean, if you read the last two numbers of 2014 in Cantonese, you'll know what I mean.
But moving on, for my obligatory first-post-of-the-new-year, I shall be publishing my New Year's resolutions (that may or may not be fulfilled by the end of the year, as always... but a girl's gotta try, ya know). I actually had most of this post all typed up back in November during Thanksgiving Break, but I thought it wouldn't be appropriate to be posting New Year's resolutions on Turkey Day, so hey.
1. Drink more water.
I swear I've had this resolution since my sophomore year but I never feel like I've ever achieved it. Yes, I realize that I am very dehydrated and that I'm at the brink of becoming a dried-up prune, but I just hate the taste of water. It's so... nothing. And putting lil' flavors in my water hasn't helped me either.
This year, I swear to God I will do this. (Said the girl for the third time in her life.)
Seriously, I've been searching up on Google "methods to drink more water" and so far I'm really liking the ideas of drinking a little glass before every meal, setting alarms, and placing the number of water bottles I want to drink in the fridge the day before. There was one other method called "water pong".... but um, yeah naahhh.
Water pong, anyone? |

2. Drink more milk.
Calcium. Calcium is important. I don't want to end up like my mom in the future, honestly... premature osteoporosis, or premature bone degeneration... Most women don't get osteoporosis until they reach menopause but my mom got it in her early 40's, and also waaay before her menopause. I don't wanna know if this premature thing is hereditary but either way, I should start drinking more milk anyway.
Bone degeneration sucks the life out of you as it sucks the calcium out of your bones. So drink milk, you guys. Especially you gals, if you're planning on having children 'cause those little suckers are PARASITES.
3. Practice more piano.
Finally something I've actually started to do!!!! Ever since I learned "Beloved" by Yiruma earlier last year, I've been feeling like I could do anything... like pass my Statistics tests. Which I did. ;)
Piano gives me a great moral booster now... sucks that it didn't do that to me before. I guess it's 'cause I used to have a mentality in my head that I eternally suck at the piano, and when you have that kind of mentality, it affects your playing... so I used to despise piano a lot -_- Much rebel... Level 7 was my dark year, I still remember. It was only after I watched Nodame Cantabile that I started looking at piano in a different light :D
Anyway, I completed Kyle Landry's arrangement of "Kairi" from Kingdom Hearts and I AM SO FKEN PROUD OF MYSELF BECAUSE IT'S A KYLE LANDRY ARRANGEMENT. I still need to practice though, so I don't feel like a deer caught in headlights at some moments... but it's going good~ Next, I'm gonna learn jvgmb829's arrangement of VIXX's Voodoo :)
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Took this picture with my dad's fancy DSLR camera :) |
4. Learn hand-lettering.
Hand-lettering is kinda like drawing with words; you've probably seen it before in your life. It looks something like this:
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from 48savvysailors.com |
5. Read more books.
Ahahahaha, this is a recurring one. I've always been wanting to read more books, but books are like dramas to me; they have to be good or else I drop it. And I'm painfully picky.
I should stay away from the classics for now though, because every time I read those, I get so confused and tired of trying to decipher the diction... I'm not gonna put myself through mental torture when books are supposed to be engaging and leisurely.
Happy New Year from my town Hanorgi :) |
I've always created female characters in my Animal Crossing game life, so I think I'mma spice things up a bit with a male. (I just realized how strange that sounds---HE'LL BE THE BROTHER OF MY TWO OTHER CHARACTERS, YA NASTY) I have a little story about my characters all planned out already, it's great. Also, I'm thinking of slaving the hours to create an actual town with sidewalks and stuff, since I've never had the motivation to do that sorta stuff. But anyway. If I do end up doing that, I'll be sure to publish a post on it.
Well, those are the resolutions I can think of at the moment. I just noticed there is nothing really academic... I guess that makes a statement about my priorities LOL
-sigh- I remember calculating my high school graduating year when I was in elementary school... 2015 was so far away back then, but it's here now. Right at my doorstep, literally. I've come a long way, but I've got longer to go, LOL. Not entirely a bad thing---growing up sucks, but seeing everyone grow up with me makes it more interesting.
Here's to a prosperous and happy year!!! Make it count, people---you're not getting any younger!!!
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