New Year, New... Hair

I cut my hair.

Like, really. Three or four inches off from my ex-medium length hair.

I know, I posted a selfie on Instagram one time late last year saying that I was gonna "keep it long... I swear"... but I couldn't do it. T_T I have tried so many times to keep my hair long, (the last time I had long, waist-length hair was when I was in second grade) but I always succumb when my hair gets to medium-length. I find it really ugly on me and it pisses me off, I dunno.

The picture I showed her...
I love this DX
SO, I chopped it all off yesterday. Well, not all, of course (I'm not bald)---up to my shoulders. I actually haven't had hair this short since I was a lil' kid... usually I'd tell the salon lady just to cut it right past my shoulders, lol. So when I showed her a picture on my phone on what I wanted my hair to look like, she asked cautiously, "You want it that short?"

Why, yes, yes I wanted it that short.

But funny thing was, my hair looked strangely good the day I cut my hair. This always happens, though. The day I choose to get a haircut is always the day that my hair looks good, urgh. And, if I choose not to cut my hair after all, it goes back to looking like a buffalo took a dump on my head the next day. Is someone trying to test me?


Some people may have what I call "post-hair chopping depression" but I don't feel like I have that... I like it. Washing my hair is a breeze... Yesterday, the day I cut my hair, when I shampooed my hair, I forgot I had short hair so it was a surprise LOL. I was like, oh yeah, I don't need to reach that far down for my hair anymore. Combing my hair is even easier. And, when I style it with a straightener, I like it even more :)

Will I eternally be a short-haired kind of person? I guess so. I give up. No long hair for me. I can't imagine myself with long, waist-length hair, anyway... I'm thinking that it might look kinda weird, since I don't have as much hair as most people have.




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About the Blogger

This was a blog I wrote on from 2010-2016. Keeping it for posterity. Hi, I'm an 18-year-old human, happened to be named Karen, who thinks a day of YouTube watching, gaming, forum reading, and blog writing is a day well spent. I use this thing to talk about stuff.