Valentine's Day!

Currently, I am lying in my bed with my headphones on and my laptop on my stomach because this is totally the correct way to spend post-Valentine's Day.

So. How was your Valentine's Day?

Did you feel the love? 

Ate some chocolate?

Cuddled with your GF?  BF?  BFF?  Yourself? ♥ (4 hearts for you because you are special)

Cutie patootie now Olympic gold
medalist Yuzuru Hanyu
Well, I know what I did last night. I sat alone in my living room, sipping chocolate soy milk from a straw and cuddling with Tommy (my teddy bear) while staring at my TV intensely oggling at Daisuke Takahashi and Yuzuru Hanyu and Patrick Chan as they did triple axels and triple lutzes and triple toes and some other skating stuff that I don't know the names of.

It was wonderful.

I hope everyone else had a nice, See's Candy chocolatey, pink and red Valentine's Day. I couldn't eat as much chocolate as I would've liked because of my throat still recovering from a cough... my life is great.

There are some people who despise V-day because, apparently, "everyday should be Valentine's Day when you're in a relationship"--

God, they're such party poopers. I bet they're all single.

Valentine's Day is everyone's grand, annual opportunity to be cheesy and cute. That's the most important thing. Cherish your bby everyday, yes... but cherish your bby extra hard on Valentine's Day. (Interpret that previous sentence however you want.)

To celebrate post-Valentine's Day (because I took a nap for too long and spent the rest of yesterday night watching the Winter Olympics....), here's a mellow V-day song:


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This was a blog I wrote on from 2010-2016. Keeping it for posterity. Hi, I'm an 18-year-old human, happened to be named Karen, who thinks a day of YouTube watching, gaming, forum reading, and blog writing is a day well spent. I use this thing to talk about stuff.