I have a little bit of homework left, but screw that; I'm gonna do a survey.
1. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now?
No, but what more can I ask for? (money)
2. Do you drink enough water?
No. Sadly. I'm a dried up prune.
3. When was the last time you ate at Burger King?
I don't remember.... anything Burger King related that I remember is my mom complaining about how thin the meat was... (SHE USED A COUPON FOR THAT BURGER LIKE C'MON MOM)
4. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
I just came back from the beach yesterday actually. (#1 PRO TIP DO NOT BRING FOOD TO THE BEACH UNLESS YOU WANT TO CUDDLE WITH A MOB OF SEAGULLS)

5. How do you usually feel when you wake up on a morning?
Like I want to die. God, I remember I woke up on Friday thinking that it was Saturday... it was the most horrible feeling ever.. it's literally like dying two times.
6. Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date?
Be taken on a date, because I like to be spoiled.
7. When was the last time you wore high heeled shoes?
Eighth-grade promotion dance. I couldn't even last through the whole night... I took my heels off like less than an hour after the dance started ("I QUIT BEING GIRL WHAT IS GIRL")
8. Vodka or wine?
Wine. If you're gonna get drunk, at least get drunk with classy stuff.
9. How often do you cry?
I cry when too many things are bothering me. Speaking of crying... the shower is a nice place to cry... because if you come out of there with puffy red eyes and a nose as red as Rudolph's, it's okay, because people will think it's from the shower.
10. Ever had a crush on a teacher?
No... why should I fantasize about someone who gives me homework wtf they don't deserve my love
11. Can you wire a plug?
I'd be too horrified that I'd be somehow electrocuted to do anything
12. Do you wear socks to bed?
I wear my pink wool socks when my feet don't warm up after certain period of time (which happens sometimes)
13. What is currently bugging you?
14. Where were you when you got your first period?
This question makes me uncomfortable. Do you really need to know where I got my first period? Do you really? Really? What difference does it make? WILL IT MAKE ME FLUENT IN 4 LANGUAGES?
15. Can you change a car tire?
*looks down at my small body*
16. Have you met more than ten celebrities?
Remove the 1 in 10 and that'll be the number of celebs I've met in my life
17. Do you sleep naked?
Excuse me
18. What was the best music gig you’ve ever attended?
19. Have you ever had sexual feelings for anyone you follow?
No... ?????
20. Do you think Benedict Cumberbatch is hot?
(Googles Benedict Cumberbatch) Uh... no.... (sorry)
21. Favourite Disney princess?
How about Queen Elsa
22. Favourite city?
Myungdong, South Korea because that's where all the talent scouts are LOL just kidding.
23. Can you drive?
24. Cigarettes or alcohol?
Alcohol. At least alcohol can taste like strawberries. Cigarettes just suck.
25. Exercise or healthy eating?
Healthy eating because with exercise you have to actually move
26. Favourite and least favourite accents?
Favorite accent... Scottish because Billy Boyd.
Least favorite accent... idk, I don't really have a least favorite accent... some accents can sound good and bad sometimes
27. What are you looking forward to?
There is nothing to look forward to in life.
....LOL no jk meeting my Korean oppars
....LOL no jk meeting my Korean oppars
28. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child?
Yes. And I have a damn scar on my knee now because of that stupid game. YOU CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY.
29. Are you more attracted to men or women?
Men. But women are pretty too. Like wow. Women.
30. Do you like 1980s fashion?
From the looks of Google images..... No.... No.... N O....
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