TODAY'S TOPIC: Faking happiness

Faking happiness has never really worked out for me. I'm usually the type to try to keep smiling as much as possible during the day... it makes the day go a little faster. When I'm feeling down though, it's as if I have no idea how to be happy. What is 'happy'? I wouldn't know. I'd be all pretending that everything's fine but there's always someone who stares at my face after awhile and I just know that they know something's up. Even if people don't notice, I eventually break down, and embarrassment ensues from being so "randomly emotional" (through the eyes of others, of course). I'm not the kind of person who likes to bottle my true emotions inside. I might do it a lot, but that doesn't mean I particularly like doing it.
There are also times where initially faking happiness leads to real happiness.. but maybe that's just me being strange. Sometimes I'd feel a little down, and then I'd see my friends and I'll force happiness out my system and it actually becomes genuine happiness. Maybe sometimes you just need that extra forced push to pull you out of that hole...
Would faked happiness benefit you at times? I guess so. There are some things that come up in your life that you don't feel like telling anyone, and there's nothing wrong with that. But keeping in mind that it's not healthy to fake happiness.. constantly faking happiness only results in eventual crumbled spirits. (And just imagine all those horrible feelings being bottled up inside you and your face starting to break out in nasty pimples filled with those horrible feelings. So nasty.) My mom always told me to not let my pride get in the way of letting out my true emotions. Even if talking about whatever's bothering you makes you feel disgusting and makes you cry and blubber like a little baby, it's okay, no one cares. How you feel after the crying and blubbering is more vital. Happiness feels the best when it's completely natural, so I try to keep it that way. So should everyone else.
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