Being Roasted Like a Costco Chicken

American slang, though with all due respect, has always been kind of strange. In the 1920s, to butt someone meant to give someone a cigarette. ("Butt me, babe.") In the 1950s, to razz someone's berries meant to impress someone. (Hm, thought it was sexual suggestive? Well, you're wrong!) And nowadays, to say yaaassss or slaaay is to express immense approval of something or someone. Even while I can’t keep up with all of the trendy, hip 'n' cool slang—I always learn something new every once in awhile, believe it or notI fall victim to saying some of these words or phrases too, sometimes.

Out of all of them, though, there’s one that I call my favorite.


I’ve never exactly used this word myself, but according to how I’ve heard other people use it, being “roasted” means being utterly burned, dissed, or outwitted by someone or a group of people.

Honestly, I can laugh over this word for three ice ages.

Here are a couple of gnarly examples of how this term can be used:

“God, Emily totally roasted that girl for dissing her hot pink rain boots.”
My friend roasted the hell out of a guy who was talking smack about his anime figurine collection.”

What makes the word funny to me is that I instantly think of the chickens being roasted in the huge rotisserie at Costco—you know, kind of like this:

roast chicken

But as weird as it sounds, this rather mundane image of a rotating chicken being roasted is actually not far from the meaning of this slang term. Think about it: someone being outwitted so badly that it's as if he or she is on a spit, rotating in a rotisserie like a chicken at Costco. They're defeated. They're burned. They're evenly cooked. They're... they're roasted.

roast chicken


...Have a great day, everybody.

roast chicken
Roast chicken, anyone?


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This was a blog I wrote on from 2010-2016. Keeping it for posterity. Hi, I'm an 18-year-old human, happened to be named Karen, who thinks a day of YouTube watching, gaming, forum reading, and blog writing is a day well spent. I use this thing to talk about stuff.